Vi riporto pari passo (è in inglese) quello che ha scritto il team di ClusterShot nel loro sito.
In brevis: il sito è stato venduto, ma l'attività rimane aperta. Per un pò le iscrizioni sono bloccate ma riapriranno. Speriamo. Si pùò comunque continuare a comprare le foto.
ClusterShot Auction: SOLD!
Posted by Dan James on February 10, 2011 -
Well, we did it. ClusterShot was put up on the auction block and sold to the highest qualified bidder. It was very exciting to see so many people interested in acquiring what we've built. There were just over 20 parties involved in the auction. We couldn't be happier.
The best news for you is that the group that won the ClusterShot auction intends to keep it in business! ClusterShot will NOT be shutting down on the 21st of February as previously stated.
Please be patient with us as we go through the transfer process. There is a lot of technology to switch over and there will most likely be some hiccups along the way. Photo uploading and new account creation will remain temporarily suspended until the switch has been made.
From all of us at silverorange: thank you to everyone involved in ClusterShot for the past two years. It's been a lot of fun and we have learned plenty.
With that, we sign off and pass along this introductory note from the auction winners:
The best news for you is that the group that won the ClusterShot auction intends to keep it in business! ClusterShot will NOT be shutting down on the 21st of February as previously stated.
Please be patient with us as we go through the transfer process. There is a lot of technology to switch over and there will most likely be some hiccups along the way. Photo uploading and new account creation will remain temporarily suspended until the switch has been made.
From all of us at silverorange: thank you to everyone involved in ClusterShot for the past two years. It's been a lot of fun and we have learned plenty.
With that, we sign off and pass along this introductory note from the auction winners:
Hello Everybody,
We are the proud winners of the ClusterShot auction. We are truly excited to become part of the ClusterShot community and are eager to roll-up our sleeves and continue to improve and support this impressive photography platform. We are backed by an investment firm focused and experienced in exactly this sort of thing: finding a small technology business/community and doing whatever it takes to help it grow into a healthy, thriving business.
Our current plans are to continue to support the ClusterShot platform and build on this great customer base. More importantly, our long-term plan is to ramp up investment in building new features and new capabilities in the ClusterShot platform. In short, we like this business and we are here to stay!
For the next 45 days, we hope to discover, retool and figure out how to best move the business forward. We will communicate our ideas to the ClusterShot community as best we can and as often as we can. We will be looking into features and capabilities that we need to develop, as well as pricing changes that we need to adapt, all based on the market and feedback from you. In the meantime, over the next 45 days only, we are keeping the Pro accounts free (after taking into account our earlier refund for the year) and fully functional.
Thank you everybody, for your patience and time. As we speak, we are working diligently with the silverorange team to close the transaction and get everybody back to business as usual.
Thanks again!
Dominic Ang and the new ClusterShot team
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